Hip Hop dance classes in Calgary

Ages: 6+

About our Hip Hop Classes

Hip Hop is a fun, energetic and very popular mix of funk and street dance. Hip hop classes are very upbeat and incorporate a variety of fun music which makes the class very enjoyable and exciting for dancers to be a part of.

Hip hop classes are a combo-based classes where the class will focus on a specific routine for a few weeks at a time. For the first half of the year in Hip Hop, dancers will focus on learning different hip hop technique, progressions across the floor and combinations.

Come January, dancers will focus on technique along with their year-end recital dance. Our recital costumes will be ordered in the winter and arrive for the class mid-spring. The year end recital is always a highlight of the year when the dancers growth and improvement is showcased on stage in such a special setting!

We would encourage that any dancers taking a hip hop class consider taking a jazz class alongside it to increase their technique training.

Class Length

Hip Hop classes take place once a week and range from 45 minutes to a hour long class. Our Hip Hop classes begin at the age of 5 and run to the age of 18. Hip hop is a full year class which runs from September all the way through to June when the class will participate in our year end recital.

Dress Code

There is no strict dress code for these classes, indoor shoes and comfortable clothing, leggings or sweatpants with a tank top or t-shirt are perfect attire for Hip Hop. We encourage all hip hop dancers to wear their hair in a ponytail or french braids to pull their hair off their face.

" On behalf of the entire ADAPT team, Mrs. Foley and I congratulate Miss Amanda and Miss Lisette along with their entire faculty team at Prestige Dance Academy Inc. for their continued success in supporting the highest standards of excellence in technical dance training. "

Brian & Faye Foley- ADAPT Founders

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