What to expect in your first Jazz class!

What to Expect in Your First Jazz Class
What to Expect in Your First Jazz Class

Jazz is an upbeat and technical form of dance that balances choreographic creativity with technical strength. Our jazz dance classes are energetic and focus on musical and body awareness. Our studio, in Calgary, offers a wide variety of jazz classes for students of all ages and technical levels. So whether you are looking for a fun recreational jazz dance class or a structured foundation class, you will find it here! Our studio follows the ADAPT jazz syllabus and many of our dance teachers have extensive jazz dance teacher training experience from attending and completing the ADAPT teacher training program. 

Whether you are the parent or the student, attending your first jazz dance class can be a little nerve-wracking. You’ve read through the emails and bought all of the pieces to adhere to the dress code but you may still feel like you don’t know what to expect when you walk through those studio doors, especially in these unprecedented times. Luckily, today’s blog is going to help ease your mind with an explanation of what you can expect during your class, so you will feel prepared and calm entering the studio for your class. 

Come on time! 

This year our lobbies are closed, so it is integral that students are dropped off and picked up on time. Upon arriving at the studio, students will wait in their socially distanced spot before class begins. When ready, teachers will invite their students into the class where they will sanitize their hands and then continue to their assigned spot. Students will then take attendance and then begin their class. 


All of our jazz classes begin with a warm-up! This upbeat and energized portion of the class will get the student’s heart pumping and bodies warm and ready to dance. Warm-up will vary from class to class and teacher to teacher but generally consists of aerobic activities to prepare the students for class. 

Barre exercises! 

Next, dancers will work on jazz exercises at the barre. These exercises will continue to warm up the dancer’s bodies while also beginning to work on technical jazz fundamentals. The barre is an excellent way for dancers to build strength, endurance and flexibility. 

Across the floor and center work! 

Following the barre, students will have the opportunity to practice their travelling skills and their center skills. While working on this skill-building dancers will maintain a minimum 6ft distance from one another or wear their mask. Our teachers have worked hard at developing class plans and regimes that maintain the distance between students. 

BONUS! Combination work!

Students may have the opportunity for some weeks to work on “combos” in their jazz classes. These are short choreographic dances that will encourage students to share their skills and perform. Combos are a great way to practice memorizing choreography. 

End of class routine!

At the end of class, students will be dismissed according to social distancing practices and protocols. They will retrieve their belongings, sanitize their hands and then head outside to meet their parents. Teachers will ensure that all young students meet up with their parents or guardians.